Aviation English Center

1. Aviation English Center is authorized to carry out the Language Proficiency Tests for Aircraft Maintenance personnel within the scope of SHT-147 Language Proficiency Service Provider Authorization Instruction issued by General Directorate of Civil Aviation on 28.04.2014.

2. For more detailed information about the exam system and applications click on the headings mentioned above or you can contact our institution.

Aviation English Center wishes success to all candidates who will take the exam.

Exam Coverage

    The purpose of the examination is to establish the necessary conditions to certify English Language proficiency for the following personnel to be able to perform their work by understanding the instructions of the aircraft manufacturer where the airworthiness and maintenance instructions are not in Turkish. This applies to:

      A) Individuals applying for a HBL-66 Aircraft Maintenance License for the first time,

      B) Personnel who will be authorized by maintenance organizations as a validator or as a support personnel,

      C) Independent approver personnel who issue maintenance and exit certificates within the scope of General Directorate legislation,

      D) Personnel who will be authorized to arrange CRS on engine, APU, landing gear, component, part,

      E) Valider, support personnel or technical personnel who are not authorized to organize CRS after a maintenance process on the engine, APU, landing gear, component and other parts, but will be authorized by approved maintenance organizations to process on defined aircraft or engine, APU, landing gear, component, part, by receiving certain trainings,

      F) Theoretical, practical and on-the-job trainers to be authorized by approved organizations under SHT-145/SHT-147,

      G) Those who take module exams or receive type education within the scope of Part-66 in EASA Part-147 organizations (domestic or foreign),

      H) People within the scope of subparagraph G must have a valid language proficiency certificate on the dates of the type course or module exams.

      Those who receive a type training from EASA Part-147 organizations or who take the module exams before February 9, 2023 are accepted to submit a valid language certificate as of the date of application.

        After February 9, 2023; the status of the candidates who do not have a valid language certificate during the module exam or the type course process for force majeure will be evaluated separately by the General Directorate.

          'Air Vehicle Maintenance Personnel English Proficiency Exam' – U 01 S UE 005 Exam; It will consist of a total of 80 questions, including 10 grammar, 15 vocabulary, 15 translations, 15 paragraphs, 15 blank filling, 10 sentence completion questions. The exam duration will be applied as 120 minutes. .

Exam Rules

  1. In order to participate in the exam, candidates must arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time. They need to bring their original Turkish Republic ID card or legal identity document or a valid passport with a photo. The ID card or passport will be checked for authenticity before allowing entry into the exam hall. If a candidate fails to produce a valid ID, they will not be allowed to take the exam.
  2. Candidates are required to take the exam in person at the designated exam hall, where they will be assigned a sequence number.
  3. Before starting the exam, candidates are required to show their identification and sign an examination form.
  4. In the examination halls, a camera system records images during the exam.
  5. Actions such as bringing electronic devices, printed documents, notebooks, books, dictionaries, notes, blank papers, mobile phones, and any other recording or communication devices into the exam hall, attempting to access them during the exam, attempting to obtain unauthorized notes about the exam questions, and attempting to tamper with any exam materials are all considered cheating. Such attitudes and behaviors are strictly prohibited.
  6. During the exam, it is strictly prohibited to communicate with the officials or other candidates, ask questions, exchange information, change your eraser or pen, leave the examination hall by writing the questions anywhere, smoke, or make any noise that could potentially disturb others.
  7. If any candidates do not take the exam, the Examiners will count their question booklet and answer form. If it is complete, they will place them in an envelope and secure it.
  8. Once the exam begins, you are not allowed to pause, take a break or leave the room until it's over.
  9. Candidates who arrive late for the exam will not be permitted to take the exam. Candidates are not allowed to leave the exam hall in the first fifteen minutes at the beginning of the exam and the last five minutes before the end of the exam.
  10. A minimum of two candidates are permitted to be in the exam room at any given time. Once inside the exam hall, one of the two candidates cannot leave until the other candidate has completed their exam or until the end of the exam period, regardless of whether they have finished their own exam or not.
  11. Once candidates receive their test booklet, they should promptly examine it to ensure that there are no printing errors. In the event that there is a mistake, the Exam supervisor will provide the candidate with a backup test booklet to replace the incorrect one.
  12. The exam time of the candidates is calculated by the Exam Supervisor from the announcement of the 'Exam has started' after the preliminary procedures to be made on the answer key and question booklet.
  13. During the exam, candidates are not permitted to leave the examination hall except for emergency health reasons. An approved supervisor, designated by the examination supervisor, must accompany any candidate who is allowed to leave the hall. No additionaltime will be given to such candidates. Furthermore, allowed candidates are prohibited from taking the question booklet and answer key out of the examination hall.
  14. Candidates taking the exam are provided with an exam booklet and an answer form by the General Directorate. They must submit these to the exam supervisor at the end of the exam.
  15. During the exam, it is important for candidates to follow the instructions and warnings provided by the exam supervisors to ensure that the exam is conducted smoothly and fairly. The supervisors have the authority to change the location of the candidates and take any necessary measures to maintain order and prevent disruptions during the exam.
  16. In case a candidate or candidates are caught cheating in any form during an exam, the exam supervisor will keep a copy of the report. As a result, the exam will be deemed invalid, and administrative sanctions will be imposed on the candidates. Furthermore, those who attempt to cheat or are caught cheating will not be permitted to retake the exam within twelve months of the original exam date.
  17. In the event of a fire, earthquake, or any other unforeseen circumstances that may arise before or during an exam, the exam will be postponed. A new date for the re-exam will be announced for the same candidates as soon as possible, at no additional charge.
  18. If a candidate requests cancellation of their application before the exam deadline, they will receive a refund Apart from this, the exam fee paid is not refundable.
Exam Application

  1. In order to complete the Language Proficiency Exam Applications, first an application must be made through the General Directorate of Civil Aviation System. After that, the exam fee must be paid to our institution's account.
  2. Applications will be made, via https://kdm.shgm.gov.tr via e-Government entry, T.C. It will be done with ID Number. (My Applications > New Application, Training: Aircraft Maintenance Personnel English Proficiency Exam, Application Type: Final Exam, Resource Provider; Preference, Application Center: Preference province)
  3. The exam fee is 1200 (VAT INCLUDED) (Thousand Two Hundred) TL.; Exam fee; : AEC ÖZEL EĞİTİM HİZMETLERİ TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ.. On behalf of Denizbank Yeşilköy Branch (Şb. Code 9220) is deposited to account number 7657110-352, account number TR22 0013 4000 0076 5711 0000 09 IBAN. Payment must be made before processing applications. Please email payment receipt to info@aviationenglishcenter.com.
  4. Aviation English Center has to make appointments in the order of application arrival. No candidate can be given priority.
Rules and Regulations

  1. Taking the exam despite not meeting the application requirements.
  2. When a report detects cheating.
  3. Conflict between the photo and information on the exam document and the valid identity document.
  4. The individual is unable to provide a legal identity document for verification purposes.
  5. A candidate is taking the exam on behalf of another candidate.
  6. Devices with all kinds of computer features and watches with features other than the clock function, mobile phones, radio and similar communication tools and tools such as notebooks, books, dictionaries, calculators or machines with you at the time of the exam unless otherwise stated.
  7. Damage to exam materials, photographing the question booklet and answer paper or reproduction by any method.
  8. In the minutes prepared by the exam supervisors, it is stated that the exam rules specified in this Circular were violated by the candidate.
Administrative Sanction

    Administrative sanctions specified in Article 437 of the Presidential Decree on the Organization of Relevant, Related Institutions and Organizations and Other Institutions and Organizations Affiliated to the Ministries No. 4 and the administrative sanctions specified in Article 143 of the Turkish Civil Aviation Law No. 2920 are applied to persons who do not comply with the specified rules.
The application process for the 15 Marc 2025 Exam will be made on 17 - 28 February
Exam Results

  1. The exam results will be available in the My Exams section on https://kdm.shgm.gov.tr within five working days after the exam.
  2. The exam result certificates the participation certificate of the candidates will be issued at the Exam System (https://kdm.shgm.gov.tr) after the completion of the objection process.
  3. Language proficiency is a requirement for authorizing the personnel mentioned in the first article. To authorize them, a separate evaluation is conducted in either SHT-145 or SHT-147 organizations, in compliance with relevant legislation
  4. A foreign language proficiency requirement is also necessary for individuals working with the EASA Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance License authority, unless otherwise deemed appropriate by the General Directorate.
  5. Necessary updates should be made to MOEs and MTOEs reflecting the regulations on language proficiency.
  6. It is the responsibility of the maintenance personnel and the instructor to have a valid English language proficiency score at the time of authorization. The quality units of the maintenance or training institutions are responsible for controlling the maintenance or training institutions where they work. Documents related to language proficiency are stored in the authorization files for future reference.
  7. The criteria for accepting the success grade in English language proficiency exams over 100 full points are as follows:
  8. * 50 – 59 success grade is valid for 2 years from the date of the exam,

* 60 – 69 success grade is valid for 4 years from the date of the exam,

* 70 – 79 success grade is valid for 6 years from the date of the exam,

* 80 – 89 success grade is valid for 9 years from the date of the exam,

* The 90 –100 success grade is valid for 13 years from the date of the exam,

  • In the certification of foreign language proficiency;
  • A) Language proficiency exam results organized by the General Directorate according to the General Directorate letter on the execution of UED exams numbered E-41466435-200.01-61300 dated 13.09.2023,

    B) SHT-147 Instructions for the English language proficiency exam by the General Directorate, Annex-3: The results of the English exam administered by authorized service providers are acceptable.

  • 9- A technician holding an aircraft maintenance personnel license must achieve a minimum score of 50 out of 100 in their language proficiency assessment if they wish to authorize or make changes to the authority of technical personnel in the same or different maintenance organization. The validity period of this assessment is as stated in the fifth paragraph.

    A) Validator, support personnel or personnel who are not authorized to issue a maintenance and exit certificate (CRS, Form 1, etc.) after maintenance on the engine, APU, landing gear, component or parts, but will be authorized to perform operation on the defined aircraft, engine, APU, landing gear, component or part by receiving certain trainings such as task training,

    B) Personnel to be authorized by maintenance organizations as validator or support personnel,

    C) Technical personnel holding an HBL-66 license to issue a maintenance and exit certificate as independent validator personnel,

    D) Personnel to be authorized to issue a maintenance and exit certificate (CRS, Form 1, etc.) on the engine, APU, landing gear, component or parts.

  • 10- The acceptable language proficiency achievement grade for the following aircraft maintenance technicians is a minimum of 70 out of 100 full points, and the validity period is as stated in the fifth paragraph:

    A) Personnel who want to obtain an HBL-66 aircraft maintenance personnel license for the first time,

    Personnel authorized by organizations within the scope of SHT-145 or SHT-147 Instructions for theoretical, practical or on-the-job training.

    C) People who take module exams or receive type training within the scope of Part-66 in EASA Part-147 organizations in the country or abroad.

  • 11- In institutions or organizations within the Council of Higher Education or the Ministry of National Education; language proficiency requirement is not required within the scope of this Instruction from trainers who provide training on subjects whose course content is in Turkish.

  • Exam Objection

    1. Candidates can submit objections to exam results within 5 working days of announcement. Objections submitted after this period will not be considered.

    2. Objections are made online through the exam system (https://kdm.shgm.gov.tr) Support> Exam Objection section.

    3. To evaluate the objections, candidates need to pay the service fee mentioned in the General Directorate service tariff. The payment for the objection fee must be made for each objected question with the code SHAK6036 through the internet address https://takas.shgm.gov.tr. Please note that the service fees paid for objections that are not valid will not be refunded.

    4. If you have any objections regarding your exam results, you can submit them to the Exam Objection Commission. They will review your objections and provide a decision within five working days. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified through the exam system. If your objection is deemed valid, your exam score will be adjusted accordingly and a new exam result certificate will be issued to you.

    5. Objections must follow proper procedures. Requests for re-evaluation and repeated objections to finalized scores are not evaluated.

    6. Objections of candidates who do not take the exam, who are not taken to the exam or who are deemed invalid are not taken into account.